FULL RES AFRICA-4These days/weeks/months of transition have been hard.  I have sat many times at my computer wanting to write a blog post, but nothing in my brain makes sense enough to type.

One moment I want to share with the world all the amazing things the Lord has been doing. How He has been teaching us a deeper trust in His timing and provision. How He has been the great comforter and friend in times of sadness and loss. How He has raised a huge budget and an even bigger prayer support team. How He has placed so many people in our lives who have encouraged us and spoken truth to us….and has given us incredible strength to live out His plan for our lives. Amazing things that we KNOW and BELIEVE He is doing…these things I want to write about.

So I set out to write about these things and am quickly reminded of the overwhelming  “EVERYTHING IS SO HARD” moments that are SO very present as well. I would be dishonest if I left these moments out…so instead of writing something, I walk away from the computer and tell myself that maybe tomorrow I will have something to say. Maybe tomorrow I will be brave enough to share the fears and the uncertainties and the wrestling.  Maybe tomorrow….

Last night I was sitting with a group of girls sharing my heart about these “real life” feelings. How I have struggled to keep everyone updated these last few months because I don’t really know WHAT people want to hear..and HOW MUCH to share and…. (Just the good? Will they think I am trying to be a Super Christian? All the bad? Will they think I am crazy and not fit for the task? Too many facts or too much personal…and the list goes on.)

The Spirit began to gently remind me that IT IS CHRIST and HIS GLORY that I am seeking…not my own. That when I am weak, He is strong. When I boast in my absolute need for Jesus (even while heading to the mission field) that His power is made perfect in me. No one is expecting me to be perfect or have it all together…because I can’t and I don’t.  So my aim is to keep pointing to Jesus…to run hard after Him…to continually lay down ME so that HE is magnified..because He is SO SO SO very worth it.

Friends…supporters…family: I want to be real and open because I truly desire authenticity in our relationship. We partner together for Kingdom work and although the Grover family is “going”…we do not go alone. The Lord has called YOU and we are incredibly humbled and honored that YOU have answered that call to be senders and prayer warriors and encouragers and equippers. We need you and are THANKFUL for your obedience to journey alongside of us!

So I have asked the Lord to help me be REAL and OPEN as we move forward to Tanzania. I know there will be days/weeks/months that this will be really hard for me to do. I will want to hide behind the distance, but I will keep seeking to be in a partnership that you feel a part of…that we can share BOTH the amazing things the Lord is doing as well as the struggles that come with being sinful humans in desperate need of our Savior.

So here we go…



Transition is hard. We are excited about what is ahead….but are eager to be on the other side of transition. The transition process itself, although transforming, feels much like chaos. The constant traveling, packing and clearing out of our home, the goodbyes, the attempt at leaving well, the process of closing life up here and lining up life on the other side….well, it is consuming and hard and at times just plain painful and messy.

Watching your kids cry themselves to sleep because they are being taken away from everything they know…trying to help them understand the hurt and the aches that are real and fierce in their hearts (and ours)… selling cherished belongings, boxing up memories and spending lots of “lasts” with tears in our eyes. Packing for all the unknowns with questions of “how will life be?” in the forefront of our minds. Emotions that run the gamete from “What on earth are we doing?” to “We are in the perfect will of God.” (Which we KNOW is the truth…but sometimes those two sentences go together!!!)

All of these things are felt/experienced on a daily basis. They are tough things to walk through…even while walking in obedience to the One who has called us to Tanzania.

As our world and emotions change almost daily, we cling to the ONE WHO NEVER CHANGES. He is faithful and He will uphold us. He has a plan and we are excited to be a part of it. He has prepared us and will give us the strength we need to do what He calls us to. He is love. He is good. He protects. His word encourages. His spirit brings peace and life. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS BECAUSE HE IS VICTORIOUS. And most importantly, HE IS WORTHY.

Every goodbye that we whisper, we declare that He is worthy.

commission weekend

What does the next few weeks/months look like for us?
Although our desired date to fly to Tanzania has been March 14th, we are still waiting for our work permit/visas to come and will not be able to leave until we have those. We continue to wait on the Lord for His perfect timing. Will you pray with us that we will be patient to wait on the Lord? And also that they arrive soon:)

In their hearts humans plan their course,

but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9


We are living with Luke’s parents since moving our of our house on Monday. Although we still have lots of things that need to be done…we are praying for rest and great family time while we are here.


rest and relaxWe praise the Lord for His faithfulness and goodness in raising 100% of our financial support for full time ministry in Tanzania. We are incredibly blessed by Big Valley Grace and their partnership in our ministry. We will be commissioned by Big Valley Grace Church the weekend of March 12/13th at all three services. (Sat 6:00, Sun 9:00/11:00) We would love to see you there!

and last…

THANK YOU to everyone who came last weekend to one of our Farewell Parties as well as Adi’s baptism, Redeemer’s commissioning of our family and Luke preaching. What a blessing you all were to us. We feel incredibly supported and loved! A special thank you to Bill and Bonnie Holmes, Lee and Cindy Grover and Paul and Renee Pratt for all of your hard work to throw us such amazing farewell get togethers.  xoxox


Together, for His glory….